Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Knitting for dummies...

My 'scarf' is pretty hideous looking, but I'm still going to do it until I'm done. Worst case scenario I only wear it around the yard. Practice makes perfect, right?

Quitting forever

SO, on 2/20, at 10:00 pm, I smoked my last cigarette. Cigarettes are so nasty. I was always a closet smoker.
I realized I had to change my belief system in order to quit without being in pain. The cigarette wasn't giving me pleasure, the 'moment' was.
I have had some rough times in the past two days, but when that feeling comes over me, I just observe it, and let it pass.
I know this sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but to me, it's how I get through.
I went to for the help I needed.

I can't believe I went through all those years with those stinking things. They smell up your entire life. My poor husband couldn't stand the smell on my breath, but he put up with it. What a complete waste of time and money. I'm going to keep track of the money I'm saving and use it to splurge!

I'm slowly changing things about me that I don't like, what a great feeling !!

Monday, February 21, 2005

Teaching myself to knit...what was I thinking?

I'm trying to learn how to knit. Of course, I picked a funky yarn that is hard to work with. I worked on it for hours yesterday, and when I looked at it today, I took it all apart. It just wasn't looking very good. Rhiannon bought a lime green yarn that I'm using. Not that I would ever wear a lime green scarf.

I'm not a patient person, so I lose interest in things so easily. I need to work on being patient and paying attention to details. I think I hurry too much, I need to slow down. Let's see if I can work on that today.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Everything in it's place

hubster preaches to me to be organized, throw out clutter, put everything back where it belongs, that way you can find it when you need to. He's right **roll eyes**.

Ever have a hankering?

I want olive loaf. And macaroni and cheese loaf. Had them all the time when I was a kid. YUM.

I miss my husband

The hubster works in Japan and I miss him terribly! He's been working there since October, he gets to come home every 8 weeks, and then he's only home for 1 week. The money is very good, more money then we've ever had, but sometimes I wonder if it's worth it. Life is too short, tomorrow's not promised. What if one of us dies tomorrow? Will it have been worth it that we weren't together?
On the other hand, hubster doesn't really enjoy living in New England, so he's happier with the weather in Tokyo. We both hate our old farmhouse too. Too small, too old, too much of a fixer-upper.
We plan on moving to Arizona or New Mexico in a couple years. We want a big fat house!! My only requirements is that the kitchen is kickass and huge and that we have a pool. hubster agrees, so that's good :)
Just my ramblings for this morning....

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