Tuesday, November 29, 2005

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So, hubster is in NYC this week, and so are all my boys. I'm so insanely jealous I could implode.

I could have gone with him, but I'm too damn responsible and felt I couldn't leave work at this time of year. I'm crazy.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Here's my high school senior. Mindblowing. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 25, 2005

walking in a winter wonderland Posted by Picasa

Thanksgiving snow Posted by Picasa

the green and the white Posted by Picasa

The little crab apples look like ornaments on the tree. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!

48 years, right? WOW!!!!

Here are two of my three cats on our morning walk in the woods. It's so amusing that they come along, chasing each other, running up trees, puffing their tails up.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 21, 2005


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Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Last Race
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Who will win?
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Yeah, that's right.
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Friday, November 18, 2005

Happy Birthday Rhiannon!!!

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She turns 18 today!!! I can't believe it.

Have a great day Rhiannon!!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Happy Birthday Silas!!!!
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My 'baby' is 16. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. It was a challenging birth and he gave me a scare, but he was a very healthy baby boy. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by!

Happy 16th! We're going to Disney!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'm not scrooge this year!

Every year I LOATHE the holiday season. I usually hate everything there is about the commercialism, the 'giving' expectation, the crowds, the music, the food. When I would hear 'Only 46 days until Christmas', you would have to hold me down so I didn't strangle the person who said such a thing. Not this year, no siree.
And that would be because this year I'm going to Disney on the very day that everyone else is opening presents. Today on the news I heard "Only 46 Days until Christmas". I smiled with glee. Oh yeah, you can bet that THIS year, I'm actually excited for December 25, because that, my friends, is the day I go see the mouse.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Nothing like a Sunday Morning Trip to the Emergency Room

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Hubster was doing a wonderful thing, dishes. A glass broke as he was washing it and he cut his hand. It required a trip to the hospital for stitches.

He was also making us a nice Sunday morning breakfast. Guess who's making breakfast now?

Friday, November 04, 2005


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All my life I've had horrible sore throats. I get strep every year. Mom, remember trying to get me to take penicillin? She'd crush it up and mix it with sugar water, but I'd throw it back up. It took her FOREVER to teach me to swallow pills.

I have a sore throat now and it SUCKS!!

Please keep me in your thoughts, maybe this will pass quickly.

Just call me the listmaker. There's just too much going on, and if I don't write everything down I get all stressed out and neurotic. Once I get it on paper it doesn't seem that bad. I tend to make mountains out of molehills. Hubster calls me the 'trauma drama queen'.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Up all night

I woke up at 2:22 A.M. and couldn't go back to sleep. I got up, did a load of laundry, grabbed my book and read for a while until I felt sleepy. When I did FINALLY get back to sleep I had a horrid dream.
I am blaming this all on my job and the new management that has taken over. They are sucking the life out of this place. So, I'm taking it hour by hour and my goal is to make it to Christmas.
I could go on and on, but they'd probably find this blog and sue me or something. **ROLL EYES**

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