Saturday, December 30, 2006

I Cannot Keep It To Myself!!!!!

Hubster got me a Tapas cookbook for Christmas and we tried this recipe last night and it is just SO freaking good (and simple) that I had to share!!

Fresh Salmon in Mojo Sauce

1 LB of fresh salmon fillets
3 tbsp olive oil

2 garlic cloves
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
5 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp white wine vinegar

To prepare the sauce, place the garlic, paprika, and cumin in a food processor fitted with a metal blade and, using a pulsing action, process for 1 minute to mix well. With the motor still running, add 1 tbsp of the olive oil, drop by drop, throught the feeder tube. When it has been added, scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula, then very slowly continue to pour in the oil in a thin, steady stream, until all the oil has been added and the sauce has slightly thickened. Add the vinegar and process for an additional 1 minute. Season to taste with salt.

To prepare the salmon, remove the skin and cut into 3/4" chunks, discarding any bones.

Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy-bottom skillet. When hot, add the pieces of fish and cook for 10 minutes, depending on its thickness, turning occasionally until cooked and browned on both sides.

Transfer the salmon to a warmed serving dish, then drizzle the sauce over the salmon.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

2006 was a year of journey and personal growth for me. I have learned so much this past year and I am thankful for every minute of it. The past is the past, it got me where I am today, but it needs to stay in the past. Every minute that you dwell on the past, you are missing out on the here and now.
I discovered a book, called Simple Abundance, it's a daily meditative book, you read one page each day. I would grab the book and read it before I got up in the morning. It helped me start the day feeling good.
Something else that I discovered was the DVD, The Secret . This was a recent discovery, but better late than never. It uses basic principals that I have been using, but it brings them all together and really makes sense.
I have learned to get out of bed in the morning and give thanks. I have learned so much more than that.
I have also learned about strength this year. My Mother has been going through very very difficult times, but she has such strength and grace. She is a force to be reckoned with and I am so proud to be her daughter.
The things that I have learned this year have brought me love, joy and abundance. And it wasn't by 'luck' that these things are is because I have been loved by my family and friends, and because I choose to 'feel good' every day, even when I have to fake it.
I wish you all a happy and abundant 2007.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Motley Crew! Happy Holidays! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 18, 2006

These were a BLAST to make. This is a special request, and it's going to be hard to hand these over...I love them! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I think it's just about time to close the studio for the winter. Even though it's insulated, it's not really 'heated'. I have a space heater, but the exhaust hood sucks out any warm air. I was able to work today because it was in the 40's, but it's going to get too cold to work very very soon. I have a few things to finish up before Christmas though. I'm thankful that people like my beads and want to give them as gifts. I have 3 more sets to produce in the next week. It looks like Wednesday and Thursday will be warmer, so I'll get in my studio after work.

During the winter I'll catch up on my soap and candle making. I did a few craft fairs lately and people seem to love my soaps, so I'm selling out fast.

I gave my notice at work. I'll be self-employed after Christmas!! I can't believe it!! I'm so excited. I never thought I would be doing something that I love so much.

We put up a tree for the first time in a few years. We've got the Christmas spirit this year and it is so much fun.

I'm very excited to be spending some time with my parents, husband, children, siblings, sister in law, niece and nephew. It's been forever since we were all together at one time.

Friday, December 01, 2006

So.....we have a plow for the truck. It's a Fischer 'Minute Mount'. That's suppose to mean that you mount it in on the truck in one minute. (This is actually possible if you have a flat cement surface to use - which WE don't.)
The first year we got it, it took us half a day to get that darn plow on the truck. Half a day and much swearing. And - I locked the keys inside the truck (the ONLY set of keys) and the truck was running. How much fun do you think THAT was?
The second year (last year) it took us 90 minutes, and we had to get the tractor out to pull the plow into the correct position. 90 minutes and minimal swearing.
This year it took us less than 10 minutes and NO swearing!! We were so proud :)
Of course the plow is now attached to the truck and not coming off until spring - so we'll look like idiots driving around with a plow attached and no snow, but it's all good.

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