Friday, November 04, 2005


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All my life I've had horrible sore throats. I get strep every year. Mom, remember trying to get me to take penicillin? She'd crush it up and mix it with sugar water, but I'd throw it back up. It took her FOREVER to teach me to swallow pills.

I have a sore throat now and it SUCKS!!

Please keep me in your thoughts, maybe this will pass quickly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't swallow pills very good...had to go to eating the chocolate calcium chews because they make calcium pills huge...sore throats and colds are going around.. hope you get feeling better!!

7:01 PM  
Blogger Kathy - Mommy said...

My, that is a lovely picture of your mouth and throat. ;^) Sore throats are horrible. I hope you feel better soon! Would saltwater gargle help?

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Avery and I have it too. We're having a sick day at home today. He is not sleepig at all... and I have no voice. I think J is secretly happy the lack of my vocal abilities! Hugs to you!

1:11 PM  
Blogger mojoala said...

I know how you feel!

Nearly all of my sore throats end up with Ear Infections.

One of my doctors said to cut the dairy products out after lunch, dairy products help to produce drainage which 9 out of 10 times causes a sore throat.

take care.....I really do feel ya on this one!

1:31 PM  

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