Saturday, May 28, 2005

I finished reading The Red Tent last week and I LOVED it!! What a great book. It's amazing what the women of those days had to do to survive.
Now I'm reading Empire Falls. My sister told me I should read, she said it's a 'must read'. Her and I have similar likes when it comes to books, so I'm giving it a shot.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

This weather is absolutely driving me insane. Rain, rain, and more rain. And it's freaking cold. I can't believe Hubster has started the woodstove up. It keeps the place cold and the dampness away. Poor Jethro has sores on his feet and I know it's because of the wet ground. He can't even go outside and take a decent walk.
I know that eventually it'll be dry and sunny, but then I'll be bitching about the bugs and the heat.
Hubster wants to move us to Arizona...they're having record heat. 111 degrees there. I don't think I'd like that either. There's just no winning.
Hawaii, yes, that's where I really want to live.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I haven't felt good for the past few days. I'm usually as healthy as can be, but for some reason I just haven't been 'ok'. My tummy (intestines?) ...just not right. I want to go home and crawl into bed. I want to be catered to, brought some comfort food/drink. I want to sleep for days. And I want my feet rubbed.

I hate being sick.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Current Book

I just started reading "The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant. It is so good and I don't want to put it down!
A most wonderful incredible spectacular thing happened to me today. I was at the grocery store, checking out. All my groceries were getting scanned by the young (20ish) cashier. She goes to scan my 12-pack of Becks, takes a look at me and says, "Can I see some ID?" I told her I loved her as I happily handed over my ID. I was blushing and felt like a young school girl. I thought my days of being 'carded' were over. At 40, I still got it.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

So, he's been home for a few days now. We had a couple bumps in the road at first, but we're getting use to being together again. It's strange, we got use to our own routines, doing our own thing, and then to be back together all at once, I think it caused a bit of strain. But being the great talkers that we are, we talked about things and got back the connection that we needed. Love is a very powerful thing, yes indeed.

A good book

I just finished "Retribution" by Jilliane Hoffman. Wow. It's her first book and it was one of those that grabs you from the beginning and keeps you on edge until the last page. Now I am bookless...I haven't decided what my next book is. I've been reading some of the stuff that Hubster likes, and I love it, but I think I want a chick book. I'll have to go on a mission to find a new book to read...any suggestions?

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