I should mind my own business
Maybe it's just me, but I find that when I dislike someone, I am even MORE interested in what's going on with them. For instance, if they have a blog, I have to check it every day, just so I can roll my eyes. I'm going to burn in hell.
link, please.
thankie :)
Is that why you just read my blog and posted on it today?
I love both of you guys!! It's not you. I can't share the link because I'm just not that kind of girl. ;)
Well, if you don't want to post the link on a public site feel free to email me. >evil laugh<
I'll be there with ya burning. I admit to doing the same thing.
It's me, It's me, It's me!
Anyway, I forgot to ask you a very important question all week!
How far are you from the nearest flooding and are you all right there?
Forgive me for not asking sooner....
Actually that is probably normal, I do it as well.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we both will share a firey pit in hell............
lol, NOT!
Joey, you're not the only one asking me. I'm in Central NH, the bad flooding is in SouthWest NH. It's raining here today, but it hasn't been all week.
Thanks for asking :)
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