Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Crickets in the hiz-house

Reading my sister's blog today reminded me of something....crickets. Hubster and I love the sound of crickets. Hubster even brings crickets inside the house so they won't die when the frost comes. I'm not a huge proponent of bringing them inside, but they don't scare me or bother me, so I let it go. My daughter, however, has a different opinion.
I hadn't told her that there were actual crickets INSIDE the house. I didn't know she was a brutal murderer either.
One morning, not too long ago, she came downstairs...

"Mom, did you know there was a cricket in the house?"

"Why yes, 'hubster' brought it in, he loves them and doesn't want them to die."

"It was bugging the crap out of me last night, it would chirp and be in perfect beat, and then it would skip a chirp and I couldn't get to sleep because it was so annoying. So, I came downstairs and it took me forever, but I hunted it down and killed it. "

"You what??! Don't kill crickets, they are good insects! They eat the bad bugs! They make nice sounds!"

"Well, it's dead."

No heart in that girl.
Needless to say, Hubster was crushed and then pissed. He brought many more crickets in the house...she'll never find them all!!!


Blogger mojoala said...

Whoa now, I am a light sleeper. If I get awoken by a chirping cricket, the can of roach spray comes out of hiding....and I am on a mad hunt for dat cricket!

Rock on Me!

The Cricket Slayer!

I'm taking your daughters side on this one!

LOL! Nuff said!

3:09 PM  
Blogger KMR said...

Joey, you are a meanie!! Crickets are so cute...!

4:46 PM  
Blogger mojoala said...


only when they've been skewered upon a hook and tossed into the pond, do they look cute to crappie and brim....


8:08 AM  

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