Monday, April 11, 2005

We'll be ok.

Hubster's current consulting job is about to end, and we don't know where he'll go next. I'm doing my best to stay positive and not stress out. I guess because he's the 'man' we've put all our eggs in his earning basket. I am totally prepared to go out there and look for a higher paying job. I've probably fucked myself over though because I've been out of 'professional-land' for a few years.
I SO don't want to stress him out, so I'm trying my best to remain calm and supportive. It's scary though. We're not going to be homeless or anything like that, but you get to a certain age and you're use to a certain lifestyle. We'll live if we have to give up our goodies, but we didn't get this age only to give it all up.


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