Friday, April 01, 2005

I love my dog,

Flipping through channels yesterday I happened upon a show about the life of a showdog. This family brought their male german shepard into the doctor to retrieve some sperm to freeze for future showdog quality pups. I had NO friggin' idea how they retrieved 'sperms' (as the owner called it) from dogs. I guess I thought they just used a syringe and sucked those little guys up from the testicles. I hadn't given it much thought...until yesterday.
They used this object that they called a fake vagina. It looks like a very large condom, I guess. They bring in a 'tease bitch' - a girl dog in heat and when the male gets a boner (giggle) they slip this fake vagina on his, um, unit, and I guess they help him. I refused to watch any of it. I just didn't need to know that sort of thing happens. It doesn't enrich my life at all. I think I caught Hubster laughing at me. He told me that's what they do to horses. (He KNEW about this?!)
It led me to wondering how they collect sperm from other animals. Elephants!?! Just way too TMI for me.


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