Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I know divorce isn't always pleasant or easy. Mine was a rough one, but we made it out the other side and are civil and nice to each other.
My sister's ex, however is being so nasty that I am fuming!! He's moved on, which is great, everyone should be happy....but....he is actually having a YARD SALE of the items that he no longer needs. These are items that were shared during marriage, and divided for the divorce. Yes, they are LEGALLY his, but come on...half of the dishes? a toy box? A reasonable person would offer them to the ex. "You have half of the set of dishes, do you want the rest of the set?"
"Hey, does our DAUGHTER need a toy box?" No. Not this bozo. He is having a yard sale.
I just hope the Karma Gods are watching.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, those are beautiful. Gotta get down there and see your set up.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Fiddler said...

The Karma gods are always watching... Always...

8:27 PM  

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