Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Birthday month and other news

So, we've entered my favorite time of year, my birthday month. I will be 29 once again!

The weekend before my birthday will be all about NASCAR!!! Hey, shut up, I haven't talked about my boys in a very long time. The 15th is Qualifying, Whelen Modified and Busch and the 16th is the CUP race!!! I'm so very excited and hope I get to actually see and touch my favorite guys.

In other news, my studio is starting to come around. Yesterday we finished the wiring and the exhaust fan. I should be able to start the torch up soon. The studio won't be finished with the drywall and all that for a while. I do have some sweet slate tiles for the floor, at least the part where I'll be at the if any hot glass falls on the floor we won't have to worry about the place burning down. I am ready to melt some glass!!!


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