Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Bats are cute

Night before last I went into the kitchen and saw a large moth flying around, only it wasn't a moth, it was a bat. I am not afraid of these little creatures, although I use to be! I woke up hubster and told him that we had a guest and he needed to help me escort the bat outside. The smart little bastard (the bat, not my hubby) disappeared. Off to bed we went, bedroom door shut tightly behind us.

Last night, just as the sun set, the bat appears again. Flying from the living room to the kitchen, back and forth, and then, disappears above my head somewhere. We flip on the flashlight and the cute little bugger has squished his body between a beam and the ceiling in the livingroom. He's so adorable!! He starts flying again, so hubster opens the front door and waits for the bat to fly out....no.such.luck. And we're really lucky that all of the bat's friends didn't decide to join him inside!! The bat squeezes his body back into the hole by the beam.

Hubster offers to use a screwdriver like a stake through the little guy's heart. Ummm, no honey, thanks though. I made the executive decision that we were going to save this bat and not harm a hair on his little bat body. I suggest pinning a mosquito net 'hat' up there to catch him.
Hubster gets the step ladder and the hat and some push pins and proceeds to tack the hat around the beam. The bat was eager and got into the hat immediately!! Yay!!! Hubster takes the "bat in a hat" outside and sets him free!! As he's flying away, another bats joins him in flight. I heard other bats singing "Allelulia", it was beautiful.


Blogger mojoala said...

Yes, do not kill a bat. They help keep the insect population under control....

9:14 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...


If an attempted kill fails and it happens to be a vampire bat, you would not want it turning back to it's human form and have a drink....


9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your husband is braver than mine when it comes to bats... you'll have to ask your brother about our bat episode!!!

4:08 PM  
Blogger KMR said...

I love bats! They DO eat the nasty bugs! LOL Mojo!!

Jen - if J killed the bat, I DO NOT want to know about it.

9:36 AM  

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