Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Almost" an only child

With friends and family around me with new families, I've been thinking lately about how I grew up. I was an only child for 10 years. 10 years is a long time to live alone with your mother and father. I had cousins to play with, but I didn't have a sibling to live with. My brother and sister came 10 and 12 years into my life.
Almost everyone I know grew up with siblings. I've heard about the fights, the fun, sharing beds and bedrooms, fighting about sharing beds and bedrooms. I didn't have that. I have no idea what it must be like to wake up every morning and have a sibling to detest or love. And you know what? That's just fine. I don't feel like I missed out on anything really. My parents took me many places. It was great to get into the car and just go for the day. It always ended up with a roadside picnic and ice-cream somewhere along the way. We went camping every summer, what a blast!
Mom says I use to bug her to have a baby, so I could have a sibling to play with. I don't remember it that way, but I'll trust her, seeing she gave birth to me. My parents tried to conceive sooner, but couldn't.
I was ten and she gave me a baby brother. I loved him very much, but I was 10!! I was too old to PLAY with him. Then she gave me a baby sister when I was 12. 12! I loved her too, but I was MUCH too old for baby siblings. I was a babysitter to them, an authority figure. I got to watch them fight and play and share a bedroom. Sometimes I didn't like them much either.
Then I went on to college and they just kinda grew up. My parents had two families. Weird how these things happen.
When I hear my friends and siblings trying to decide if they want another child, I almost always mention that I was an only child for 10 years, and it was just fine. While I wouldn't wish away my brother and sister, I certainly would have been fine if my parents didn't have another child. Being an only child means that you get all the attention. Being an only child also means that you don't have a playmate there for you all the time. In the end, if you only have one child, don't think you are robbing them of anything. But, if you do decide to have another child, have it sooner rather than later!!

(I know you tried your best Mom. Love you!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering what brought that all on!!

3:08 PM  
Blogger mojoala said...

yes sooner than later....

3:41 PM  
Blogger mojoala said...

I am the oldest of seven.

So I matured faster than they did.

Being the oldest in a non-dys-functional put pressure on you to set an example....

12:43 PM  

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