Monday, March 24, 2008

My father-in-law passed away on St. Patrick's day. He was sick for a while, and now he's at peace. The funeral was Saturday in Massachusetts. Hubster's siblings, spouses and their adult children were there and as funerals go, it turns into a family reunion. We're all from other states, so we got hotel rooms. On Friday night we all hung out in a suite, eating Chinese food, and drinking ample amounts of alcohol. This is weird to say, but it was so much fun. The siblings all get along so well, and they are a hilarious group of people. They are all around my age, and we have similar interests and life experiences. I felt like I was accepted right in and was one of them. My heart was so full of love and sense of belonging. When we all parted ways on Saturday afternoon, I felt a sense of loss.
We have made promises to each other that we will get together on a regular basis, go on holiday together, keep in touch. I am determined to make sure that that happens.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm glad you had that experience and opportunity to spend time with Kas' family.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All funerals, as a rule, lead to togetherness!!! ...and love....


10:46 AM  

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