Friday, February 15, 2008

I have been very lucky this winter...meaning Kas has been home for the snowstorms and he has been the one to plow the driveway and the yard. I snowblow a path through the woods for the doggies and I do a ton of shoveling, but for the most part, I leave the machinery work for Kas.

Well, this last storm, the snow-like-a-bastard and then for kicks let's have an ICE storm...I was alone. I managed to snowblow the yard a bit and do some shoveling.(can anyone say 'shoveling cement'?) I called someone to plow the driveway, and I called someone to shovel the back roof. I decided against doing it myself because it's very heavy and we're running out of places to put the snow.

The plow guy shows up and at the top of the driveway he calls me. "I can't plow you out, sorry, it's just too tight and I've already tried a driveway like yours today."
I blew a gasket. I was stuck in my own yard.

I called the roof person to tell them they can't get down my driveway, so forget about coming. I was crying, like a baby. They call me back and say they can come get me out with a loader. Hurray!! So, a few hours later, this wonderful older man who reminded me so much of my Dad showed up on a badass tractor thing. He plowed me out. I seriously wanted to give him a hug.

The yard is a mess, the driveway needs some cleaning up, but I am no longer trapped. Being trapped really sucks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the snow was like cement and it was hard to remove, but I got on my trusty JD and did the driveway. I shoveled (and we had a foot of that wet, heavy snow) a path to the oil tank filler and my mail box that was buried. I did ok for a little old lady of 70, I think....but I do agree, it was miserable stuff to remove. Glad you finally got your driveway plowed.

5:39 PM  

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