Monday, May 08, 2006

I really, truly hate ticks. But alas, I live in the middle of the woods and share this land with many deer, so what do I expect, right? I've found a couple crawling up my leg already this year. Luckily I've found them before they became 'attached' to me.
What is the purpose of a tick anyway? I don't see any useful purpose other than maybe feeding a bird.
I hate giving Jethro the twice daily 'check'. And what's worse than checking is FINDING. We have a 'tick jar' here at Chez Chupa. Yup. It's a little plastic jar filled with rubbing alcohol. Find a tick, put it in the jar. So entertaining!! We had the tick jar so full it was like a biology class to see the different shapes and sizes that ticks get to be. This year I emptied the tick jar, like a fresh start. Happy tick season all!!


Blogger Kathy - Mommy said...

I can't see your tick pic but that is okay. I have seen enough already this year. I have already seen more so far this year than I did all last year.

What does the rubbing alcohol do? I was trying to think of a way to kill the ones I find because they are indestructible.

7:12 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

I really hate ticks....

Hate pulling the blood swollen bodies off of dogs....

Still trying to figure out why God created ticks. Did ya know they are of the Spider Family?

1:41 PM  

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