Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Why bother doing something if you're going to do it half-assed?
I know I've been guilty of starting many things and not finishing them, but when I'm actually participating in something and paying money to do it, then I'm giving it my all.
We have some new 'ladies' at kickboxing and they are just NOT even trying. Tippy toeing around, not using any kind of 'umph' when they punch or kick. I'd say they punch and kick like a girl, but I hate that phrase. But you know what I mean, right?
I don't understand what they could possibly be getting out of it. I wish this was 'none of my business' but it is because I had to team up with one of them. I wanted to take her pulse to make sure she was actually alive. When it was my turn to kick and punch, I let her have it....I'm aggressive like that. :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is MY saying...."Don't do anything if you are going to do it 'half-assed'" !!!!!!!!! I totally agree with you.

10:58 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

oooooooh what a vicious thing you are.

Yes I agree with padia.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Kathy - Mommy said...

Geez, glad I am not in the class with you. You would kick my arse! And enjoy it! I wonder if these women are just too self-conscious to get into it like you. Or maybe they just fear that if they give it their all a fart will slip out. ;-P

7:41 PM  

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