Sunday, August 28, 2005

Ramblings on letting go

A woman I work with and LOVE dearly lost her 23 year old son on Thursday night. He was riding his bicycle and was hit and killed by a 74 year old woman driving a van. My heart breaks for her. She is one of those people that light up a room when they enter it.
You never know when you've seen your loved ones for the last time.
Hubster left for NY this morning. I didn't want to let him go. I also don't want him to get on a plane for Scotland tomorrow night. I guess I have to trust that he'll be safe. I make sure that when we're together he knows how very much I love him. Just like I know how much he loves me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its easy to be swept up in our daily routines and forget how precious every moment we have here is. Love you.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Kathy - Mommy said...

Losing a loved one is so hard. But when we or a friend lose a loved one we all learn from that. There is a message in death and that is to live. Live for now, not for later. Let your loved ones know they are still and always will be in your heart and your thoughts and prayers.

Hopefully we can all learn from the heartache of others, as bad as that sounds. And I know your hubby knows how much you love and adore him. Hugs, my friend.

7:49 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

I pray I never have to experience anything like that, it would be ten times as hard on my wife.

As for your husband, look on the bright side, you have us, your blogger friends!

12:05 PM  
Blogger mojoala said...

and I shall add your husband to the list of things I pray for....

9:52 AM  

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