Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I know this isn't the most flattering picture, as I look baked and my chins are out there saying 'hi'...but I thought I'd post it anyway...seeing some of you peeps didn't seem to like my NASCAR pictures.  Posted by Picasa


Blogger ~pen~ said...

i think you are one hot mama.

oh, and the cat is pretty danged cute, too.

11:13 PM  
Blogger mojoala said...

sorry, not a nascar fan! I am surrounded by nascar fans here at work, one guy even has Jeff Gordons car as a mouse...

hmmmmmmmmmm, I am still trying to consider who is cuter, the kitten or you!

9:05 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

BTW, I am more relieved to see that you don't have that inbred look i notice of most when I worked at "Maine Yankee" Nuclear power plant.

Also I can to the conclusion"

I know where all the hell's angels wannabe's and the flower children of the sixties moved to....
Augusta Maine. It's like a whole nother world there, compared to the rest of the United States....

9:10 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

oh, don't get me wrong, we have our share of the inbred looking types here as well....

9:13 AM  
Blogger KMR said...

Joey, you're crazy. LOL
It's northern Maine, lovingly referred to as "The County" where all the inbred's are.

9:18 AM  

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