Thursday, August 11, 2005

Dinosaurs on the Ark.

First, disclaimer....this may offend religious (believe every word of the Old Testament) peeps, so please stop reading now.

I saw on the news tonight that some people are claiming that Noah took the dinosaurs on the ark. Ummm...ok. So, in addition to EVERY animal on earth (and a pair of each animal at that) he also had every dinosaur. I SO wanna see that. We all know that the dinosaurs couldn't be handled on Jurassic Park, how on EARTH could Noah and his wife and all their kids handle all those dinosaurs?? Ponder and get back to me, k?


Blogger JR said...

He actually was the one that took them to Jurassic Park.

8:14 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

these people are quacks.

If you found this on the web, please oh please provide a link.

Man and dinosaur could not have coexisted. PERIOD!

8:53 AM  
Blogger KMR said...

9:49 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

thanks for the link.

Well personally I take the book of Genesis to be symbolic just like the book of Revelations.

Moses was writing about stuff he had no first hand knowledge of.

Think about the time it was written, Moses only had the concept of days and seasons.

God created the whole as we know it in 6 stages.

Moses used the only logical time sequence he knew of: The Day, using a season would not have made sense.

I personally look at each stage as an Activity that God engaged in with each Activity taking a consdirable amount of time.

People try to use their current awareness to make sense of Genesis instead of putting themselves in Moses' sandals and try to see them as he would have.

I am currently writing a book just about this. It is from a Dialetic point of view.

Proven science is not wrong. If it is, then God is an even greater deceiver than his first intelligent creation Satan.

3:54 PM  
Blogger mojoala said...

Proven science is not wrong. If it is, then God is an even greater deceiver than his first intelligent creation Satan.

Mr McDonald of "Walking in the Word" once stated that God made everything to appear old. I don't think he realized what he was saying.

Why would God intentionally deceive us by making things appear to be older than 6000 years?

Did you find this enlightning?

3:57 PM  

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