Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm down for the count early :(

We were cutting wood this morning and I stepped wrong, twisted my ankle and wanted to faint/puke/die. I couldn't put any weight on my foot, so we went to the emergency room and I was xrayed. I have a bad sprain. I'm in an aircast and on crutches. Crutches suck ass so much. Being on crutches is going to be my workout for the next week or two.

We had two weeks left before my surgery to get the wood done. My wood days are over. I think I can run the handle on the splitter though.

Silas is coming tomorrow with a friend to help Kas. I hope they can get a lot done, because after that, it's all up to Kas.

In the meantime, I'll have a vicodin with a beer chaser, thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! I want to vomit just hearing that you sprained your ankle! I have suffered so many sprains over the years...even after having my ankle surgically reconstructed... no fun! They are super painful. Keep it elevated!! So sorry!!!

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) thinking of you sis. Love you

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Anything sprained, ankle or wrist, or whatever is sometimes worse than a break! Stay off from it as much as you will heal 100% faster. I know about the wood situation. I will start hauling mine in, sometime next month. I remember how time consuming it was last year, but I finally got it done. Talk at you later..MOM

8:03 AM  

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