Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Just when you thought I wasn't going to mention NASCAR....

I still get a chuckle when they talk about the Rousch-Fenway team. The Redsox are all about NASCAR!! I wonder if NASCAR is promoted at the baseball games? It's fun to see the players being interviewed at the races. I KNOW my sister has a rule that she doesn't date NASCAR fans, so she must have to rule out any of the Redsox.

Much to my dismay and disbelief, I am falling in 'like' with the enemy and I can't stop myself or explain it. Well, I guess there is an explanation - I read an article and have seen the changes in the man that I always took pride in booing. Now I'm even dreaming about the guy. Yes, it's Jeff Gordon. My husband calls me a turncoat and a traitor. I would never publicly cheer for him though, so I guess you could say I'm keeping this little secret in the closet.


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